Message from SRM Management
Message from Co-Chairman
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela
SRM Trichy Arts and Science College has a distinctive mission and history that set us apart from other institutions. It is a remarkable institution in providing education for all purposes of empowering the individuals to become dynamic citizens of the nation. The State-of-Art infrastructure and world-class training are the prime impacts in erecting our institution proficiently towards the accomplishment. Our efforts for innovation and research endeavour our students with a vision and commitment to move further on the pathways of excellence.
SRMTASC is the novel inception of SRM Group of Institutions established with vibrant footprints in making the institution unique. The Vision of SRMTASC aims to provide quality education and industry-ready candidates to foster the needs of the global requirements.
SRMTASC has reached higher proportions as an institution that imparts industry-driven education and attracts the best students with the words “Education is all about the experience”. I am sure that our achievements will enliven our mind and soul to commit to even greater levels of achievements in the ensuing years.
I welcome you all, SRM Trichy Arts and Science College to feel the best experience of education.