Six Days Faculty Development Program
(14.06.2023 – 21.06.2023)
Six Days Faculty Development Programme was conducted for the Academic Year 2023-2024 from 14.06.2023 to 21.06.2023. Principal Dr Francis Xavier Christopher Welcomed the committed band of Faculty and delivered the content coverage in the FDP. Dr N. Malmurugan, Director of Trichy Campus, inaugurated the FDP and delivered the Presidential address and addressed how to become stronger, more knowledgeable and the Best contributor to the institution
Day 1
Resource person
Dr. P. Thangavel
Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, SRMTrichy Arts and Science College.
Dr Thangavel delivered his views
where Data meets Discovery.
Sir stressed the advanced usage of ERP and feature plans for the academic year 2023-24. The session was followed by Hands-on Training on the same. The faculty found the session useful and interesting.
FDP Day 2 &3
Resource person
Mr.D.Durai Raj Programmer, SRMTrichy Arts and Science College.
Mr.D.Duri Raj delivered his views
Skill up with Advanced Excell for Professionals
Sir stressed the advanced usage of Excel and features. The session was interactive by Hands-on Training on the same. The faculty found the session was beneficial and facilitative.
FDP Day 4
Resource person
*Francis Xavier Christopher *Principal, SRMTrichy Arts and Science College.
Delivered his views
A Pathway towards Success
FDP Day 4
Resource person
*Dr. K. ShakthiPandi * Assistant Professor Department of Physics SRM Trichy TRP College.
Delivered his views
Paradigm shifts in Research
Sir emphasized the attributes of research. The session was interactive. The faculty found the session beneficial and stimulated their interest in Research.
FDP Day 4
Resource person
Dr. G.Ilango
Vice Principal Academic SRMTrichy Arts and Science College
Delivered his views
Illuminating the unknown
Sir underlined the details of Academics. The session was interactive. The faculty found the session as an eye-opener for the upcoming academic year
FDP Day 4 AN
Resource person
Course Coordinator, Department of English, SRMTrichy Arts and Science College
Delivered her views
Evolve And Inspire
Mam called attention to the components of Students Mentoring. The session was edifying. The faculty found the session as a recommendation for a mentoring system for the upcoming academic year
FDP Day 4 AN
Resource person
Dr. FabiyolaKavitha. S
Head Department of Management Studies, SRMTrichy Arts and Science College
Delivered her views
Students Admission
Mam called concentration to the features of students’ Admission. The session was motivating. The faculty found the session as a proposal for a student Admission for the upcoming academic year
FDP Day 4 AN
Resource person
Dr. T.Madhavan
Head, Placement SRMTrichy Campus
Delivered his views
On Placement and Training, he concentrated on the features of students’ placement. The session was encouraging. The faculty found the session as a recommendation for the successful placement for the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 5 FN
Resource person
Dr. Krishnamurthy. R
Head, Academic and Research SRMTrichy Campus
Delivered his views
In Research Unlocking Secrets. Sir concentrated on the facets of the research, and the session was inspiring. The faculty found the session as an indication of success in the field of research for them in the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 5 FN
Resource person
Dr.Malmurugan. N
Director, SRM Trichy Campus
Delivered his views
The Key to Progress. Sir concentrated on the aspects of the modification, the session was inspiring. The faculty found the session as a manifestation of the accomplishment for the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 5 FN
Resource person
MsVishvaManimegalai Campus life Coordinator SRM Trichy Campus, Mam called Nerve And Verveand crystallized on the aspects of the emendation the co-curricular and extracurricular activity, the session was inspiring. The faculty found the session as an indication of the attainment for the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 5 AN
Resource person
DrP.Sandhiya Head Department Maths, Convener of Exam Cell, SRMTASC. Ma’am addressed the title Bringing Breaking through Light.
She pointed up the aspects of the mutationof the Exam Cell, the session was enlightening. The faculty found the session beneficial for the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 5 AN
Resource person
Dr. Padma Priya.S, Head Department Computer Science, Convener of ICT, SRMTASC Mam spoke on THE BEST TECH AND THE BEST FUTUREand accentuated the facets of the emendation on innovative pedagogies in teaching, the session was heightening the interest of faculty in teaching tools. The faculty found the session as an inkling of better teaching for the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 6 FN
Resource person
Ms.SRIDEVI.S GM, SRM Group of Institutions, SRM Trichy campus mam spoke on the “Waking dream of SRM”. Mam accentuated the vocation of Faculty for better being and performance and insisted on a solution-based work environment and explained the facility and benefits from management. Faculty found the session was intensifying. The session was an inkling of the attainment of greater pursuits in the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 6 FN
Resource person
*DrS.Selvakumari, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies Convener of IQAC, SRMTASC mam furnished on the “Unlocking The Potential of Data”. Mam underlined for better data collection and rendition and urged on the importance of Accreditation and process. Faculty found the session was amplifying. The session was a clue to the attainment of greater pursuits in ranking and accreditation for the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 6 FN
Resource person
*Dr.P. Kalayarasi, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Campus Life Co-ordinator of SRMTASC mam furnished on the “One Team One Dream”. Mam highlighted the planner for the upcoming academic year and its process and insisted on teamwork and collaboration of events. Faculty found the session was boosting for events that are going to happen shortly. The session was an indication of greater pursuit in the upcoming academic year.
FDP Day 6
Resource person
Dr.Francis Xavier Christopher *Principal, SRMTrichy Arts and Science College.
Delivered his views
Ignite your Digital Mind – ICT. Sir stressed the features. The session was interactive. The faculty found the session beneficial and conducive.