Entrepreneurial Skill Development Workshop
The Entrepreneurial Development Club of the Department of Commerce with Computer Application, SRM Trichy Arts and Science College organized the Entrepreneurial Skill Development Workshop on 17.10.2023 at 10.00 am at the Seminar Hall. The session was presided over by the Principal and Vice principals. Dr.D. Francis Xavier Christopher Principal delivered the Presidential address Dr.G.Ilango Vice Principal, Administration and Dr. S. Fabiyola Kavitha, Vice Principal Academic of SRMTASC felicitated the gathering. Dr.S.Kanchidevi, Head & Assistant Professor of Commerce CA introduced the guest to the gathering and the guest was honoured by the Principal. The Resource person of the workshop was Dr.R. Soundaravalli, Assistant Professor Department of Commerce, National College, Trichy. She explained and motivated on how to become a successful entrepreneur and also she conducted practical sessions for making soap and washing powder. Dr. V.Manickam, Assistant Professor was the Convenor of the workshop. At the end of the session students created multhani mitti soap, nalangu mavu soap, neem soap and also washing powder successfully.