Trichy Campus
FOR I UG Students of Academic year 2022 -23
DAY I (25.08.2022)
Session – I (10.00 am – 11.20am)
Dr.D.Francis Xavier Christopher, Principal of SRMTASC spoke on topic“TOUCH THE PEAK”. He cropped up questions like Purpose of Life? Who am I? Next he explained the 4 stages of competence and encouraged the students to reach the last stage of unconscious competence. Also pointed out to have a balanced work and personal life. At last covered the learning objective with Blooms taxonomy.
Session – II (11.40am -12.20pm)
Dr.S.Padmapriya, Head-CS, SRMTASC spoke on topic “Paving your way to success”, she ignited the minds of students by arising questions like what is motivation? What is a Goal? Long-term and short-term goals. Asked the students to have a SMART Goal always.
Session –III (1.30 pm to 2.45pm)
Dr.G.ILango VP(Academic) spoke on topic “STUDENTS ETIQUTTE”. He highlighted that etiquette helps them to know how to treat others and how to behave in different environment. He showcased the dress code, hair style through ppt.
DAY II (26.08.2022)
Session – I (10.00 am – 11.15am)
Dr.N.MALMURUGAN – Director,SRM Trichy Campus spoke on topic “ What not to learn”
He highlighted few திருக்குறள்to make students aware of that if they have the knowledge of what not to learn they will definitely will have the knowledge of what to learn.
Session – II (11.40am -12.20pm)
Mr.S.AntonyValen, Placement Head, SRM Ramapuram and Trichy Campuses spoke on topic “Road map for Training , Placement & Leadership skills” He pointed out that both technical skill as well as communication skill is a must for placement. Encouraged students to communicate with their faculty members and peer groups.
Session –III (1.30 pm to 2.45pm)
Mr.HarshAvinashThappa- Senior Resident, Departmentt of Psychiatry, SRM- MCHRC spoke on topic “STRESS MANAGEMENT”. He clarified the difference between stress and depression. Hightled the symptoms of both. Mentioned the strategies to reduce stress by doing morning exercises, maintain healthy diet and avoid junk foods. Also He gave some postures to get relief from stress immediately.
DAY III (27.08.2022)
Session – I (10.00 am – 11.15am)
Mr.J.Prince Antony , Vice Principal –IHM,SRMTASC spoke on topic “SAY YES TO HEALTHY FOOD” He showed various methods for detection of common adulterants in food in a humorous way. Finally he recommended the students to Reduce sugar intake, Avoid Adulterated food, Take healthy snack(nuts,fruits,etc) and say no to drugs & junk food.
Session – II (11.40am -12.20pm)
Dr.P.Kalaiyarasi Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, SRMTASC gave a motivational speech in Tamil on topic “ INDRAIYA ILAINKU” She initiated with Vivekandra’s Chicago speech and continued with a glimpse of Mahabharatham and at last she stressed that the students has to be an expert in controlling their 5 sense organs to win in life.
Session –III (1.30 pm to 2.45pm)
Dr.L.Manivannan, Head – Physical Education, SRM TRICHY CAMPUS spoke on topic “Nurture Yourself with sports and yoga”. He listed out the types of yoga, Yogic tree of life. Then he explained about breathing exercise- Pranayama & Meditation for mind relaxation.
Around 300 students participated in this program and made use of it.
MASTER OF CEREMONYfor the 3 Day Orientation program done by Mrs. S. SEETHA LAKSHMI, Asst. Prof, Department of Commerce,SRMTASC