Social Responsibilities of RRC members
(Affiliated to Bharathidasan University)
Irungalur, Trichy 621105 |
The Red Ribbon Club of SRM Trichy Arts and Science College organized a Students Action program titled “Social Responsibilities of RRC members” on 30.08.2022 at 11.30am. This program was started with the welcoming note of RRC ConvenorDr.P.Shyamalaanto Mary. The Principal Dr.D.FrancisXavierChristopher, Vice Principal (Academic) Dr.G. Ilango, and the Vice Principal (Admin) Dr. S. Lawrence Leve felicitated the gathering. Dr. P. ShyamalaAnto Mary explained the features and responsibilities of RRC. Dr. M. Jayanthi, Dr. A. Akila, and Dr. Lawrence Leve gavelight on on social responsibilities of RRC. The students spoke on various topics such as HIV/AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment carried out at the various prevention centers and also importance of blood donation awareness. In the program, President and Vice President are selected for RRC from students’ part. The program ended with vote of thanks by the RRC member students.