The Department of Computer Science & Computer Applications of SRM Trichy Arts and Science College organized National Level Intercollegiate Meet &Technical Symposium “VYUGAS 2023”. 236 students from 21 colleges participated in this Technical Meet. Events such as Slide-IT (Technical Paper Presentation), Bug Blast (Debugging), Brain Bites (Technical Quiz), Gym Khana (Treasure hunt), Connexion, (Connecting Words), and Click-it(Photography) were conducted. Mr Anand Pitchaikani, Managing Director, Modelon Engineering Pvt Ltd.,Trichy was the Chief Guest for the function andMr P. Dinesh Kumar, Technical Lead, TATA ELXSI, Banglore was the Guest of Honor for the program. Dr N.Malmurugan, Campus Director, SRM Trichy Campus, Dr N. Balasubramanian Deputy Director, SRM Trichy Campus, and Dr. D.Francis Xavier Christopher, Principal of the college felicitated on the occasion, Dr G.Ilango, Vice Principal (Academic), and Dr. S. Lawrence Leve Vice Principal (Admin) also delivered the felicitation address. Dr S.Padmapriya, Head, Department of Computer Science delivered the welcome address. Dr.Leelvathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science delivered vote of thanks. The book titled On Journey towards the dawn written by Ms Ethina Assistant Professor of the Department of English was released at the event. Bishop Heber College won the overall winners’ trophy of this meet, and Indira Gandhi College was the runner in this event. Participation Certificates were issued to all the participants.