The Department of English organized a workshop on “Writing for Academic Journalisms”on 29thDecember 2022 at 1.45pm @ Seminar Hall.
Dr.R.KarthickBabu, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English,welcomedthe gathering.Dr. G. Ilango, Vice Principal (Academic) and Dr.S.LawrenceLeve, Vice-Principal (Admin) felicitated the gathering. Resource Person, Mr. S. Subash, Assistant Professor, SRM Trichy Arts and Science College delivered a presentation on significance of academic journalism and its beats, along with the writing techniques. He further illustrated writings from different media organisations, through which the aforementioned notions were explained, and a reading list was provided to the readers with respect to the content. By the end of the presentation, participants were requested to write an excerpt on their area of interest in exchange of a feedback through email. Dr. T. Gnanasekaran, Assitant Professor, Department of English, delivered the vote of thanks